mr-knowitall's Diaryland Diary


I posted this in dragons g'book, so I thought I'd post it here

I thought I�d weigh in on this. Dragon, you can add me to the list of those who love ya man! You�re not homophobic. I understand you position completely. Let me lend mine, and this may surprise you how I feel about it:

RumbleLizard said: Outside of Judaeo-Christian religious principles (Old Testament, Book of Leviticus to be precise), there is no legitimate reason to say that gay people should not have the same rights as straight people. The argument that gay marriage will weaken the institution of marriage is an unprovable statement; we can't know this unless we try. And be honest now, with a divorce rate of over 60%, I can't see how you can argue that gay marriage can make the institution any weaker than straight people have.

I�d like to add that the 1st chapter of the New Testament book of Romans is very articulate about the Christian stance on Homosexuality.

But she is 100% correct in saying that outside of Christian principles that either side should have equal rights under the law; if we assume that the law was created outside of Christian principles. But is it really the weakening of the institution of marriage that Christians fear? I think it goes far beyond that.

Unfortunately, today the Spirit in which our constitution and laws were created has been forgotten, and strict adherence to the letter of the law is read instead of the of the intent of the law. As it is said, �The letter kills, but the spirit gives life.� I.e. if total and complete separation of Church and state was not the intention of the founding fathers of our country, then why does our currency have �In God We Trust� written on it? Why does Congress open their sessions in prayer? Why when one testifies in court do they have to swear to God or on a Bible? I know that many courts don�t require that anymore, but my point is that this is a country founded on Christian principles. Our founding fathers put a great deal of stock in their importance.

All of that aside, let me surprise you; You cannot legislate that kind of morality. Now, There are rules that exist for the protection of the rights of others, but since God cannot make anyone obey His laws, how can Christians expect the government to do the same? And furthermore, how can Christians expect those who do not believe �The Bible� to be God�s written word, to adhere to the all of the principles written therein?

So, you may be asking yourself, �Rick, are you saying that you are for gay marriage?� No, I am not. I believe in the authority if the scripture, therefore I must adhere to it. However, I am powerless to change the hearts and minds of those who don�t believe.

Let me clarify something about the context of scripture. Many in and out of the Church believe that homosexuality is somehow above and beyond all other sins. It�s not; in fact it is no different from any other sin. According to scripture, all sin is the same in God�s eyes. The very context of the scripture in Leviticus that RL alluded to dealt primarily with incest. So if it is to be classified as anything, it�s fornication.

So, why is it such a problem? Many in the Christian community (of which I am very much a part of) fear that when what we consider by God�s word to be wrong becomes legal in the eyes of our government (i.e. abortion); that our country as a whole by allowing it will become subject to God�s judgment and wrath. Subsequently, the freedoms and liberties we all enjoy will be lost. These freedoms and liberties are believed to be the very blessing of God because of the Christian Principles this country was founded on. There is much more depth to this, but in a nutshell, there it is.

Let me say something more: I also feel that the Church in large part is getting what it deserves. I feel that many �Christians� have become lazy and indifferent. They expect the law, and the government to take care of what Christ charged them with doing. Not all Christians are like that, but many are. If they did more to reach out to the gay community, and love them as Christ commanded, perhaps this wouldn�t be an issue. BTW, you can love someone, and treat them equally without believing what they do is right. But instead I see folks like Jerry Falwell, and others treating them like lepers. This is not scriptural. It is a shame.

So should it be legal? Anymore, I don�t think it�s a question of should it be; it�s more a question of will it be.

Yes, barring some huge change in public perception, it will be someday.

Sorry to fill you guestbook up with such a rant, but I thought there needed to be some clarifications made. ~RICK

2:22 p.m. - 2004-01-08


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